
Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Christmas time is my favorite time of the the rest of the world I'm sure.  I never understood why people "dreaded the holidays".  I think it's the happiest, most magical time of the year (that sounds like it came straight out of a hallmark movie).  This Christmas we were able to visit Bryan's family in Washington.  We were a little lot nervous about the flight with our extremely adventurous, overly active one year old, but super excited to spend time with the fam.  Thanks to modern medicine and a portable DVD player the flight was uneventful.  Yay!  Henry had a blast with his cousin Jace and loved all the attention from his aunts, uncles and grandparents. I was a photog loser and didn't bring my camera on this trip in fear of losing/leaving/getting it broken on the plane so I stole some pics from the sis in laws (thanks Alyssa and Rachelle!)

Highlights from the trip:
The Nativity Program at Uncle Bennett's barn
Making Packard cinnamon rolls and taking them christmas caroling
Riding on the new ATVs
Watching HILARIOUS home videos( I now know where Henry gets his enthusiastic personality)
Watching "White Christmas"
Playing games (always a must in the Packard home)
Watching Jace and Henry be the cutest kids on the planet
Talking to Steven in Bolivia! (He's doing great and is such a wonderful example to all of us.  We are seeing blessings from his service every day.  SO proud of him!)
Going to Uncle Owen's fabulous restaurant!  (the food was absolutely DELICIOUS)
Hiding from Santa
Seeing it snow on Christmas Day!  (I was so excited to have a white Christmas)
Laughing our butts off!

The girls and I at the Christmas Eve nativity program.  I think someone should marry a brunette next...I'm starting to think I might stand out a bit.

Four generations of Packard men!  Look at all those studs!
I wish he got those eyelashes from me

They don't look related at all do they?;)

Henry likes opening presents with his four razor sharp teeth

My sweet angel on Christmas Day.

The Packard family!  Can you believe there are 7 people still missing from this photo?  Yeah our family is MASSIVE!  And growing every year.  We missed you Josh, Janae, Bryan, Kylie, Forrest, Hailey, and Steven!

Henry and Jace loved Grandma and Grandpa time

Rachelle, Ricky and baby Jace.  I wish these little cuties lived closer!  We had so much fun!

Henry and Uncle Jared

Henry cuddled up on Grandpa all was the sweetest thing!


1 comment:

  1. Aw, I love all these pics!!!! So many cute cute ones of Henry! What a good looking fam ;) Looks like you guys had a great christmas! I'm happy to hear our portable DVD player helped you out on the flight ;) And I'm also happy YOU'RE HOME! :)
