
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Easter...a bit late:)

Life has been kind of crazy the past several weeks so blogging gets put on the back burner.  Most of our extra time is spent looking and researching places to live in Chicago for this fall.  We will be moving around the beginning of August.  While this is an exciting time, it's also VERY stressful.  Especially when the cost of living is twice what we're used to here in the good ol south.  I mean $1300/month for 900 square feet?  No thanks Chicago!  Anyway I could vent about the crappy properties we've found for a while.  Let's talk about Easter!  Yes, I know it was like 2 months ago, but we had such a good time with the fam and got some pretty dang cute pics of the sweet little cousins.  It's rare that we ALL get to be together, so when we do we try to take advantage of every second.  Everything is so much more entertaining with these crazy kids running around.  Aubrey and Asher are at such a fun age.  They are becoming best buds.  Henry and Parker are just the cutest little guys ever.  We just sit around cuddling and kissing on them.  Sometimes I think "What the crap did we do before all of these kids?"  We are so in love with all of them.  It was pretty difficult to get them to all cooperate for a photo shoot, but at the end of the day we got a few keepers and Aubrey and Asher got LOTS of skittles.  Yes we bribe our kids with candy.
I think it would have been a funny picture to take a picture of all the adults trying to get the babies to smile.   It was embarassing
Just hanging out naked.  I think they are thinking "I better be getting some skittles after this too"
Best buds
Poppy and his little men
Little boys in ties melt my heart
The "after pic" of this pic was classic
I heart this face
Our little family
My boys are the cutest!
Mom and the sistas
The Whole Steele/Packard/Richardson Fam!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog! So glade you can keep us updated on the family happenings. ;)
